Have you ever been in a meeting or a class where all the presenter did was talk, talk, and talk? I'm sure most of you have. You probably listened and took down some notes but did you learn or remember anything?
A famous American psychiatrist, William Glasser spent most of his life studying human behavior. He says that the least amount of learning happens through reading, but can you guess where the most amount of learning happens?

Years ago when I was still in school getting my graduate degree, one of my last classes was Instructional Methods which required me to examine and teach a topic to my peers. My topic was on formative assessments in the classroom. Not only did I have to try and provide my learners as much "doing," "seeing," "hearing," and "experiencing," the whole process of teaching others helped me remember so much more about my topic than just reading from a textbook.
So whatever you learn today or tomorrow, teach, share, and discuss with someone! It's the best way to learn!