As much as I've enjoyed building on this blog and put in a lot of work to try and inspire people to enjoy learning, I have also received many mean messages from people or comments to other learners that are sometimes instantly sent to thousands of other people.
Our thoughts have become unfiltered and many people tend to speak too quickly before processing their thoughts. It also happens when we're angry or frustrated. So let's remind ourselves to THINK before we speak, tweet, text, Facebook, or Instagram.
Since we're language learners here, also remember that different cultures hold different values and beliefs too. This means we have to be extremely cautious not to assume everyone will think what you're saying is necessary or kind. Every culture is different.
Your words have the power to influence someone either positivity or negatively. I always remember a saying, "The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart. So be careful with your words." Choose what you say and write wisely.
Ask yourself the acronym, "THINK" :
Is it True? Is it real or false information?
Is it Honest? Does it deceive or cheat someone?
Is it Inspiring? Does it give new ideas or give a positive voice to something?
Is it Necessary? Does it need to be said?
Is it Kind? Is it nice or helpful to someone?
Related Lessons:
Common Abbreviations
Checking Your Work
Positive Adjectives