The point is, we all wish to achieve or do something in our lives, whether it's big or small. Do you want to pass an exam? get a better job? lose some extra weight? buy a bigger house? develop a new skill? or achieve inner peace? Instead of always wishing and wishing for something to happen one day, you must start somewhere! Just go ahead and make a start! Stop saying "I wish" and start saying "I will."
The language and word choices we use in our daily lives can have a big impact on the decisions and choices we make. By saying "I wish" it almost seems impossible or something too big to achieve. But "I will" is to believe you can get there and you will do something about it!
Why not set your mind to it and make your wish become a reality, even if it means facing your fears. If you fall, you can get back up again! Turn your “I wishes” to “I wills".
Complete your own sentence: " I will _____________________________.